Book a free audit & strategy call.

I offer free calls where we look at your agency's data operations (or how to set it up best).

This is typically for:

  • one-off “can I pick your brain” advice

  • small “what are the next steps” strategies

  • "can you have a look at our setup" audits

Examples of kinds of problems I can help you with:

  • A second opinion on your data stack and setup

  • What roles do we need to hire for our new data team

  • How can we improve client reporting and internal business intelligence

  • How can we make client reporting more effective (and waste less of our staffs time)

  • Ideas around how to get more value from your data by looking at more advanced ways of translating your data into insights at scale for clients

Book a free audit & strategy call.

I offer free calls where we look at your agency's data operations (or how to set it up best).

This is typically for:

  • one-off “can I pick your brain” advice

  • small “what are the next steps” strategies

  • "can you have a look at our setup" audits

Examples of kinds of problems I can help you with:

  • A second opinion on your data stack and setup

  • What roles do we need to hire for our new data team

  • How can we improve client reporting and internal business intelligence

  • How can we make client reporting more effective (and waste less of our staffs time)

  • Ideas around how to get more value from your data by looking at more advanced ways of translating your data into insights at scale for clients

Book a free audit & strategy call.

I offer free calls where we look at your agency's data operations (or how to set it up best).

This is typically for:

  • one-off “can I pick your brain” advice

  • small “what are the next steps” strategies

  • "can you have a look at our setup" audits

Examples of kinds of problems I can help you with:

  • A second opinion on your data stack and setup

  • What roles do we need to hire for our new data team

  • How can we improve client reporting and internal business intelligence

  • How can we make client reporting more effective (and waste less of our staffs time)

  • Ideas around how to get more value from your data by looking at more advanced ways of translating your data into insights at scale for clients